How To Make Yourself Want To Study? Ideas And Advice

To make studying easier, it is important to break down the mental and physical barriers that can prevent you from wanting to study. These barriers can include anxiety and a sense of dissatisfaction or frustration.

To overcome these obstacles, it can be helpful to train yourself to be successful in your studies.

This can involve setting a regular schedule for studying, staying organized, and finding ways to make the material more interesting or engaging.

By taking these steps, you can make studying easier and more effective.

Marking it on the calendar or diary, or even just repeating it mentally or loudly, is not enough.

It is in fact necessary, then, to really place oneself in front of books and notes and start preparing that question or exam.

But how to make yourself want to study? Is there a way to spur your mind and prevent it from creating invisible obstacles? There are many reasons why study is delayed.

They change from person to person, but above all according to the condition in which the latter finds himself.

What you will find below is a set of practical advice, designed to put yourself in the right state to study on a regular basis, avoiding crazy and desperate sessions.

Finding the desire to study: here’s how

To be able to make yourself want to study, you need to break down the wall raised by your own mental and physical tiredness , together with that general sense of dissatisfaction and frustration.

We find ourselves afraid of the exam to be taken, but the reality is different.

What we believe to be fear is nothing but anxiety deriving from the total disorganization in which we move, trying to continue the study in a condition of total mental disadvantage.

Talking about a wall generated by anxiety means dealing with an obstacle that is not real.

There is a lack of ability to prevent study.

There is only a mental block.

Overcoming it is not easy but not impossible either.
Let’s try to understand how to train to be successful in this challenge.

Make studying easier:

You may find yourself studying for a simple, medium or difficult exam, pleasant or completely outside your interests.

To the difficulties inherent in the matter, we should not add others of our own hand.

Here are some points to respect:

Establish a study time:

A good study session has an average duration, ranging from one and a half to four hours.
Timing divided throughout the day.

It is advisable to stop for a rather long break every hour, recharging the batteries of one’s mind.

In the event that you decide to reach the peak of four hours, it would be preferable not to tire your brain with a single session, dividing this effort throughout the day into two-hour sections, enjoying a large break between the two.

Space Management

You don’t need a totally clean room to be able to study.

Let’s not use this excuse to spend more time cleaning than studying.

However, the benefit obtained from an orderly environment, starting from one’s desk, is undeniable.

This must have the necessary space to be able to arrange all the exam material, without having to generate an atrocious chaos to fit each volume or notebook.

That said, the chosen environment, whether it’s at home or not, must be able toput the student at ease, while contributing minimally to making the session productive.

If your room is constantly frequented by family members, for example, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to go to the library to find some peace.

Setting Goals:

Organization is everything in preparing for an exam.
However, this element should not be confused with the tendency of many students to make unrealistic plans, mentally cramming hundreds of hours into a month, to prepare for three exams at the same time.

Better to look at the immediate, setting short-term goals.
Organizing your week is preferable to the presumed schematization of the next three months.
Unforeseen events happen and structuring such long study phases means failing to comply with certain self-indicated checks.

It is advisable to indicate a certain number of pages or chapters per day, trying to complete the task, stopping at the finish line, without going further on that given day.


Crucial to have food and drinks near your desk.
In fact, it allows you to avoid the constant going to other rooms to drink or eat, effectively interrupting the established session numerous times, breaking that hard-earned concentration.

On the contrary, to absolutely avoid the phases of study in which one does not drink or eat, throwing oneself into books almost in apnea.

Keeping your blood sugar up is important, as is staying hydrated.
The brain needs it to function at its best.

Showing up for the exam, even if not at your best, is a test for real life, the one that awaits us outside the university.

Escaping, locking oneself in the room, faced with the problems of private life, non-delivery to the office or something else, is not a solution.

Fearing confrontation in society is harmful in itself.
Starting to fight this trend from a very young age can be a winning weapon.

Of crucial importance, however, is the management of any rejection.
In this case students with a more superficial attitude have the upper hand.

In fact, they manage to quickly forget what happened, taking advantage of the experience and presenting themselves to the new appeal without the load of anxiety: Will he remember me and try to put me in difficulty?.

Experiencing the rejection like a boulder dropped from the sky on one’s shoulders is typical of perfectionists.

This is the type of student who should work on himself the most.

Showing up for the exam and failing doesn’t mean failing or, worse still, being a failure.
It means having accumulated experience and not having allowed your brain to get in the way.

We experience university as a stage, not even the most important in life, to be completed and nothing more.

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